Tuesday, October 20, 2009

slurp intercept firm

since yesterday was a shitfastic time, I took a shower last night, put my uniform on, and passed out. why did i sleep in it you may wonder? so I could sleep as late as possible, that's why. I woke up ten minutes before I had to be at the company, so I scurried down the stair with a quickness only matched by walmart employees. I was agile... and precise. fuck yeah. I'm not gonna go through every lil boring detail of my day, but the weapons reset detail I was on today was awesome. I just slept in a giant parking lot until I had to go to a middle school and tutor young chillins. algebra and geometry(I didn't even know geometry was taught in middleschool...). I felt accomplished and helpful. it also made my lil dream of being a math teacher a real goal. I loved it and... I actually MADE an impact. woo. gold starrrrrr. the tutoring was a good 2 hours. I got it every day of the week, except friday :D

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