Sunday, August 21, 2011


my bike broke.I am one sad, sad scuba shoe.
the bike shop said it would take 1-2 days for "services" to process the request for my bike to be shipped for warranty evaluation and if it's accepted, it will be 4-6 weeks til I get my new bike.
dasss uh lottah forrrz.

and that.
 is a looooooong time to be without Bicyle, my frand.

on a different note, I find myself very conflicted on the effect advancing technology has on our lives.
you know, whether or not the "positives" outweigh the "negatives".
the romantic in me wants to believe the world would be better if we tore down our buildings, scrapped our cars, and burned our clothes.
the pessimist believes modern civilization, although it will surely destroy the world's pre-civilization environment, has persisted for a reason: it works better("higher standard of living", lower mortality rates, longer life expectancy, blah blah blah)-for the collective- and since that is a true fact, it is impossible to topple it as a minority.

look up "ship of fools" by theodore kaczynski. its a good lil story.
ya know that brings me to somefin else...
he (kaczynski) tried to change the world. he failed. know why? because he was STUPID.
he mailed bombs to people as a political protest against technology and to get leverage against media outlets.
"air my manifesto or I kill more people."
and although I found it very informative(industrial society and its future), why did he care so much as to try and force people to accept his belief system as superior? all he ended up accomplishing was being labeled as a psychotic terrorist AND life in prison. angry people do angry things. nobody's perfect, I suppose. but its funny how some hate authoritarianism but they themselves preach it. violence to end violence makes no sense. WHEN WILL PEOPLE SEE THAT!?

rayray-san says: don't fight current, 
but don't give up and float away, either.
the river'll flow with or without you in it.
rayray-san says: follow along its banks to your destination.
It'll make your travels much easier and efficient...

-end jibber jabber.

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